

Online registration takes place in January for the following September. We register in-house students and siblings first, and then we accept registrations from families of alumni. After we have accepted registrations from the above two groups, we open registration to the public at large on a first-come, first-served basis. After classes are full, we keep a wait list and will fill openings as they become available. No child shall be admitted unless his or her parent or guardian has met with the administration and had a tour of the school.

To register online you must preregister your information.

The preregistration process can be done in 4 easy steps!
  • 1. Visit our website:
  • 2. Click on the Family Portal tab in the top level navigation menus.
  • 3. Click on New to First Parish Preschool? at the bottom on the preregistration page.
  • 4. Fill in your family's information and then click submit data.

This will complete your preregistration process.

Register Now!

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