Prior to registration families may call the school to schedule a tour or request a tour from the Request a Tour tab.
Online registration takes place in January for the following September. We register in-house students and siblings first, and then we accept registrations from families of alumni. After we have accepted registrations from the above two groups, we open registration to the public at large on a first-come, first-served basis. After classes are full, we keep a wait list and will fill openings as they become available. No child shall be admitted unless his or her parent or guardian has met with the administration and had a tour of the school.
To register online you must preregister your information.
This will complete your preregistration process.
We hope that our site will provide you with all of the information that you need to evaluate our programs, and we encourage everyone with an active interest in our school to come in and visit. Please call our school office at 781-659-1333 for a tour appointment.
We are sure all of the smiling faces will tell you what you need to know!